Friday 18 May 2012

Three years ago, I said goodbye to my family and friends in the motherland, Egypt, packed my bags and got on a plane. A 10,000 km journey to the other side of the world, hockey nation, land of the sacred Maple, Ca-na-da.
The plane took me from the heart of my world, Cairo, to very quiet Edmonton, Alberta after a gruelling 17 hour trip.
Not for tourism, not for sport competitions, but to start a quest for the shiny PhD.
I will share my past and ongoing grad school experiences on this blog, let's see how this goes ;)


  1. I am looking forwards to reading more :) you got me hooked.
    Any reason behind the name of the blog?

  2. Thank you, Mona. I'm looking forward to more interactions from you, my fellow victim.
    I go by Cleo2atra on Twitter,because I'm Egyptian, hence the Cleopatra part. I'm also a pharmacist, Atra (2atra) in Egyptian means eyedrops, so it's just a little pun there.
