Saturday 19 May 2012

Finally, someone says it as it is! Blot, blot Western baby..

The number of times that one wants to hit himself with a stick for ever thinking about going into grad school varies from one person to the other. Usually, this thought is accompanied by deep remorse, blame towards all your friends who didn't stop you, compulsive, spontaneous sobbing and a whole evening in the fetal position. However, if you think back, you will remember one or two people who were being honest about their opinion and actually did try to tell you not to do it, but your brain totally dismissed that because you were too young and foolish, excited about research that is going to save humanity, earth and the milky way. 
I say that because I know it happens to all of us, based on conversations with past and current fellow victims, but to tell you the truth, nothing beats the high you get when your experiments actually work. 
So, suck it up and blot, blot, Western baby...figure one will be amazing!


  1. Hahahah!!! Even though I only did an undergraduate honours project and a few other undergrad work terms in labs before deciding it wasn't for me... I can totally understand! Very funny video! :)

  2. Hey Sarah, Western blots are my life, this video speaks to me :)
    I'm sure I'm not alone in this. Thanks for you comment and keep on coming back!
